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Your community has received a large amount of donation.Should it be used to construct a playground for children or bulid a garden for the community?
excessive 多余的 outlet 出口 scroll the media worry about my children's security reassure 安心 deal my work could hit by electrnoic bikes desonated spot homeless people
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Schools should give those children who have special talents some privileges?
Nurturing Excellence: Offering privileges to children with special talents can motivate them to excel further and fully develop their potential. These privileges can include advanced classes, enrichment programs, or opportunities to participate in competitions or projects that align with their talents. Incentive for Others: Seeing the recognition and benefits given to talented individuals can inspire other students to discover and hone their own unique abilities. Preparation for Future Contributions: By providing extra resources and attention to talented students, schools can prepare them to make significant contributions in their respective fields, which can benefit society as a whole.
Equity and Fairness: Providing privileges exclusively to students with special talents can be seen as unfair to other students who may not have discovered their talents yet or have talents that are not as readily identifiable. Holistic Development: Schools should aim to provide a well-rounded education that includes academics, character development, and a range of skills. Focusing solely on special talents might neglect other aspects of a student's growth. Pressure and Comparison: Granting privileges to talented students might lead to high expectations and undue pressure, causing stress and anxiety. It can also foster an unhealthy sense of competition among students. Undervaluing Effort: Overemphasizing privileges for talent alone might discourage hard work and effort. All students should be encouraged to put in their best efforts, regardless of innate talent.
In my opinion, I agree with the statement that schools should give children with special talents some privileges. However, I believe that these privileges should be balanced and carefully implemented to ensure fairness and equal opportunities for all students. Firstly, providing privileges to children with special talents can be a great way to encourage and motivate them to excel further in their respective fields. When students see that their unique abilities are recognized and rewarded, they are more likely to invest more effort into honing their skills and contributing positively to their areas of expertise. Moreover, offering privileges to talented students can also inspire others to discover and develop their own abilities. When students witness the benefits and recognition that come with special talents, they might be more inclined to explore their own passions and hidden talents, thereby promoting a culture of self-improvement and growth among all students. However, it's crucial to strike a balance between recognizing special talents and ensuring fairness. Privileges should not create a sense of division between students, leading to feelings of inadequacy among those who might not have recognized their talents yet. Schools should also continue to provide well-rounded education that focuses on character development, critical thinking, and a diverse range of skills to prepare students for the challenges of the real world. In conclusion, giving privileges to children with special talents can be beneficial in terms of motivation and inspiration, as long as it is implemented thoughtfully. The key is to create an environment where all students can thrive, whether they possess unique talents or are still discovering their strengths.
  • 建立爸爸和妈妈的素材,针对孩子,问题中的材料如何影响孩子
  • 看见题目,先想清楚自己扮演的角色
  • 讲结果和影响,注重重要性

Teens/Young Adults:

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Schools should require students to attend cultural events?


cultural disparities 文化差异
take classes , like this semester only I am taking 7 courses
Tight/packed/crammed schedule
Club activities , social activities, part-time jobs(3 shifts)
Overwhelming : 压垮,淹没
It is a big time commitment 耗费了太多的时间
time is precious 时间是非常宝贵的
school should leave it open to students free-well to make decisions 自由的去做决定
work overtime : 加班
pick them up : 接他们上下学
lack of self-discipline : 缺少自控能力
turn to someone for help :向别人寻求帮助
supervise : 监督,管理
ditch school : 逃学
Cross-integeration : 交叉融合
broad horizons : 拓宽视野
Some people would like to borrow money to do da large purchase.Others borrow money until they can afford it.Which do you think is a better way and why?
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